Amber Gittins Artist Blog

That's a wrap for 2024!

That's a wrap for 2024!

Well another year passes by. I can't believe I have been a full time artist now for over 5 years. It's certainly not an easy gig when your entire living expenses relies on your painting sales each month, but with alot of hard work and love for what you do, it can be done. 

Running your own business is 24/7 and social media can really take all your energy up. I have spent the last 5 years trying to keep on top of social media and trying to keep up with the ever changing algorithm. I think I am finally realising we can't 'outrun' it and we just have to stay in our own comfortable lane. Everyone will be different in how much time and energy they have for social media. Yes we certainly do need to do it, but at our own pace. I feel like I really need to take a step back and focus more on my artwork.

 As the year comes to an end I am already slowing down and thinking about what is working and not working in my business. What to change and what to keep for next year.

For 2025 I want to really concentrate on producing some larger originals. This has been something I have been wanting to do lately and it feels right for me. I just love the freedom on these larger canvases and when it comes to art I feel you really need to create what you love and what you are drawn to.

So I have decided to take a step back from prints and other 'gifty' type things. Some artists do well with print sales etc but it has never been a big part of my income and sometimes you gotta let go of what is not working. Adding prints has taken a lot of my time and also quite a lot of money to set these up. On paper this has been a not so good business move, where I still haven't come out on top financially. But it is a learning curve and you don't know unless you give these things a try. In business you need to be concentrating on the things that are working and let go of the things that are draining you financially and mentally. I haven't quite decided if/when I will delete them totally off my website, but for now they can just stay up. I'm just not putting any more energy or money into them.

So I will just knuckle down and do what I love the most... Painting on large canvases. Mainly large abstracts, as the smaller paintings are again not something the majority of my collectors are looking for and they also are so time consuming to do. It's weird to say but painting on smaller canvases is so restricting for me and it can take so long to just get one right.

I'm keeping it simple in my business structure. Just bloody paint and go large! I have been spending toooo much time on my computer and social media and this will all take a step back. When I started this full time gig, painting was my number one thing. Over time social media and keeping up with posting etc took over. It has totally drained me! 2025 is a year for keeping things simple and doing what I love in business and in life.

So yes I have been doing a lot of thinking and changing for my own personal life as well.

This year I have been transitioning in my personal life to a more natural and healthy way of living. I have always loved health and wellness, I think if I wasn't an artist I would definitely be either a fitness instructor, nutritionist or wellness coach in some way. I just devour all the books, podcasts, cooking healthy meals etc on this stuff! Love it!

A big change was mid year when my partner and I decided to become 'whole foods, plant based' in our eating. We cut out all meat and dairy. Just went cold turkey and we really truly didn't miss it or crave it at all... honestly!. I just love buying all the plant based / vegan recipe books to add to my growing collection and trying out all these new tasty exciting recipes with fresh produce.

We have been cutting out alcohol and sugar for years anyway and eating only wholemeal carbs etc. Just part of the constant transition to fuel our bodies with the healthiest nutrients. Don't get me wrong, every once in a blue moon we may have a nice gin and tonic or something from the 'bad food list', but it is becoming more and more rare. Our taste buds have changed and we don't crave any meat or sugary things anymore. It is amazing how sweet a strawberry and carrot can be, once the processed crap is eliminated from our bodies.

We also love going to the gym and that is like our date nights. (some people may call us crazy I'm sure lol). I also want to try and fit in more walking each day and the dogs will also benefit from this. This is still a work in progress, we are currently doing this about 4 or 5 out of 7 nights/mornings a week, so it's a good start.

We have a new caravan and so we are also going to be going away on short weekends a lot more, especially during the summer months. Plus some bigger trips in the future. I just love exploring the coastal towns and beaches, they are just so stunning in Australia. I should actually be packing right now as we are heading off tomorrow for another weekend away. 

So best wrap it up, 2024 was a year of transitioning and creating a path that is more aligned with who I am. 2025 is a year of keeping life and business simple, doing what I love and finding time for rest, relaxation and my health. I'm going to be 50 in 2025 and I am probably the healthiest and fittest I have ever been. We really do need to start enjoying life and getting out and away from this hustle and bustle and work, work, work mentality. I don't want to get to 80 and regret my lifestyle choices and be too frail to do anything in my later years. They need to start happening right now!

Well not sure if you will hear from me again for the rest of the year. Wishing you and your family a safe and joyous Christmas and holiday season. Take care of each other and most importantly take care of yourself. x


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